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And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
—- from Old Testament Genesis
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
—- from Old Testament Genesis
- 入关那天,没有张爱玲笔下的小船,也没有五颜六色的巨型广告牌,有的只是很简单的入关手续,还有不用安检的地铁;
- 抵达校园,没有骑行单车的少年,也罕见停在校内的的士,只有一堆在排队等候校巴,以及两个不知道乘坐校巴的推着厚重行李箱上山的傻瓜;
- 这里不存在曼哈顿距离,只有不断地上山下山,但山上的风景很好;
- 报道那天以校友身份拜访了在这里访问的张老师,大概校园太小,此后几乎每天都会碰到;
- 小刚说,这里安静得可怕,但前两天却感到了社交恐惧,大概是热闹的程度突破了阈值;
- 实验室电脑的权限让人头疼,好在能够要到密码,在 Windows 上装了 Ubuntu 子系统,体验不错,Windows 不愧是最好的 Linux 发行版;
- 不懂的问题总是一个接着一个,递归地解决疑问总是忘了最初的起点。